Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amazing Rajan

The arrival last year of tween fashion blogger Tavi Gevinson and her Style Rookie blog created massive waves throughout the fashion world and many of the world's hottest mags scrambled to shoot her, interview her and probably try to understand just how a 12 year-old could achieve so much, in so little time. Here come the kids! Yet Tavi's achievements pale in comparison to the rather incredible Canadian Bilaal Rajan. Big-hearted Rajan, who has just turned 13, is quite simply something else.

At the age of four he went selling oranges door-to-door to raise money for victims of the 2001 earthquake in Gujarat, India. At 7, yes seven, he founded Making Change Now, an organisation dedicated to heightening awareness of youth issues and raising funds for children in developing countries. in 2005 he was chosen as an official Child Representative and Ambassador for UNICEF Canada. When the Asian Tsunami occurred he launched UNICEF Canada Kids Earthquake Challenge which raised $1.8 million for victims of the tsunami and repeated the effort for victims of 2008's Myanmar Cyclone. Oh, and he has published a book too; Making Change; Tips From An Underage Overachiever.

His latest challenge, for the shattered isle of Haiti, simply entitled Help Haiti is a challenge to school children around the globe to raise $100 each for the cause. This kid re-affirms that the next generation is one to watch. Bravo Rajan!

Here's the Help Haiti site...

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