Saturday, February 27, 2010


someone somewhere brought up a very good point about the breakthrough spread in V Magazine last month. WHAT, THEY CAN'T JUST HAVE A "BIGGER" GIRL WITHOUT SHOWING THE SAME OUTFIT ON A THINNER ONE?

whoever it was that said that is DAMN STRAIGHT! IT AIN'T RIGHT. And, the chick on the right looks way better in the clothes anyhow. It makes for a better photo when the model doesn't look like she's being done up the bum and hating it, while simultaneously dreaming about the last bit of food she's allowed herself to eat 5 years ago. and seriously, why the big deal about it?
what is so amazing about THIS?

I love Terry Richardson and I love V Magazine, but something doesn't sit right about this. Something that Anna Wintour said in The September Issue when she saw a photo of a man with a little bit of belly struck me as applicable here. She outright told the man to go to the gym and lose weight when he was featured as a real person, a camerman, in an artistic spread. Just because it's fashion, doesn't mean everyone is perfect who wears clothes, nor do they have to be. To me, fashion is about attitude. Fashion is what makes you feel you. It gives you confidence and makes you feel beautiful, powerful, whatever. It's not about being like a supermodel. No is like a supermodel but a supermodel.

On the flip side, BUST Magazine featured a whole spread of lingerie using "real" women of all shapes and sizes, didn't make a +F**ING huge stink about it being so revolutionary in fashion, and it honestly just looks better. KUDOS to BUST.

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