Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blacklisted #4

It's all about Eve

Yesterday we shot brand new face at August Models, Eve. She had never really modelled before but we quickly discovered that she was a natural in front of the camera. She has a number of other attributes that suggest she may be on the eve of something big (sorry); a great, quirky face with beautiful jawline, a unique mouth and nose, beautiful hair, great personal style, a great figure and plenty behind the eyes. Lensman David Shields captured her beauty, Rachael Churchward styled and Shirley Simpson (of the S-Doubles) was on the hair and make-up. Rachael dressed her in Bettina Liano (above) and Bettina Liano and Glassons skirt (below). One to watch? Definitely...

A little natural beauty from Ecoya

When Captain Cook arrived at Botany Bay in Australia a few years back, he had on board one Joseph Banks, a botanist who was overwhelmed at the array of flora and fauna he found in the bay. Fitting then that Ecoya, the brand of luxury candles and bathroom goodies made from ecologically sound products should have it's headquarters on Joseph Banks Drive, Botany Bay, Sydney. The company was founded by Craig Scheighhoffer, who in turn, had in involvement in NZ luxury vodka brand 42 Below's success story. The investment in Geoff Ross, Grant Baker and Stephen Sinclair's iconic brand has now been returned with the trio now partners in Ecoya. Just like 42 Below, Ecoya is a quality brand with quality products and a global vision made by New Zealanders and Australians. Love it.

The Naked and Famous to be Famous?

The Naked and Famous recently went to number one on the the New Zealand charts with the sublime single off their new album, Young Blood. Listening to some of the other tracks off the forthcoming album, including the creeping genius of The Sun, suggests that before the year is out this band could easily be riding the bus toward international fame and recognition. All of the key elements of a great band are in place as this video, from the band's website of a live-to-air performance on C4, testifies. Nice live performance direction by Mike Carpinter. The awesome video for Young Blood by the talented Special Problems is also on the band's website.

Highlights of a Heaven to Hell Hollywood by David LaChapelle, from Taschen.

Nothing says "Hollywood" like David LaChapelle's new book, Heaven To Hell. At 350-odd pages, it's a cornucopia of colourful celebs, actors, musicians and everyday (Hollywood) weirdos, acting out ultra-chintzy conceptions that only LaChappelle can see. Paris, Courtney, Pam, Britney and, Philip Johnson, sit side-by-side in Sunset caravans, hotel rooms and swimming pools with the fabulous Amanda Lepore, Elton (I've got eggs on my face) John, Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor, Lance Armstrong, and a consummate cavalcade of inner American trailor trash and celebrities. Serendipitously, whilst thumbing through this book at about one page per second, we discovered the Julia Dean's tune Skin (Everything Is Coming To A Halt) to be frighteningly perfect musical accompaniment....speed reading picture books to music? Book clubs will never be the same...

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