Sunday, March 20, 2011

A long hot summer just passed us by...

Muriwai Beach, 2-to-3 foot and glassy from our deck

...while Mother Earth ravaged places close to us and dear to our hearts: Christchurch, Queensland and of course, Japan, have had to endure unfathomable difficulties recently. Here at Muriwai, on Auckland's West Coast, La Nina has delivered a pristine summer of gorgeous days, good surf and much loved family and friends. It has been surreal to watch, read and assimilate the images and information that has accompanied the devastation whilst we were experiencing a classic New Zealand summer, in Auckland. It has also been humbling. Every New Zealander has been affected by the earthquake in Christchurch and deeply moved to try and help. We have all been inspired by the strength of the people of Canterbury and their response and resilience. A great New Zealand trait.

Support, and more exactly, money is going to be required for some time yet to get the new Christchurch up and running. On Tuesday 5th of April Black Magazine is presenting an event featuring the combined talents of Salasai and Nick Von K Jewellery, a component of which will raise funds for the Christchurch Earthquake Red Cross fund. It will be a night of films, performance and an exhibition of photographs by Russ Flatt that will be silent-auctioned on the night, with the proceeds going to Christchurch. It is invite only but we will cover it here on Blacklog and our Facebook page. Here is a Muriwai sunset at the end of the golden summer...we feel very grateful...

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