Thursday, October 8, 2009


Salvador Dali's Instrument masochiste

...basically means "an altruistic concern for human welfare and development" so when New York art collectors and philanthropists Julian and Josie Robertson announced that they were gifting the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki fifteen works through its foundation there is no doubt that this was a philanthropic act at it's purest. Art is one of the greatest gifts, and art by masters such as Cezanne, Picasso, Matisse, Gaugin, Mondrian, Dali and more, to a city - and country - devoid of such masterpieces is a great gift indeed. The Robertsons announced their 'promised gift' to the gallery and the people of New Zealand in May 2009 and for one week in early November we will be able to see these masterpieces, for free, in the gallery's 5 Works In 7 Days exhibition. Picasso's Mere aux enfants a l'orange [1951], Braque's La tasse [1911], Matisse's Espagnole [1922], Derain's Paysage al Estaque and Salvador Dali's Instrument masochiste [1933-34] will form one third of the final exhibition in the newly refurbished gallery in 2011 but for one week you will be able to wander into the gallery and see them up close.

5 works in 7 Days
Sat 7 - Fri 13 November, 2009
Auckland Art Gallery, cnr Wellesley & Lorne Streets

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