Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So. I'm Back.

I'm back from my brief hiatus, back into the thick of Winter. What a drag! I'm over Winter - move on please.

I think I owe you an explanation as to why blogging has been so sporadic, and poor.

Work is super duper busy at the moment, and couple that with family life, I'm not coping very well! The juggle - it ain't juggling. Everything's up in the air and coming down and landing in my face.

But I'm ok. I've just become a bit of a hermit.

So I haven't properly started Back In The Habit - but I've not forgotten about it. It's coming, promise.

I've also got to tell you that despite the fact I was working while I was in Hamilton Island, it was so, so good for me! Do you know how much I enjoyed sleeping in a bed: all to myself?! Luxury! And no one walked in on me in the bathroom, or asked for me to do something when I was in the middle of a shower? Amazeballs.

I was excited to come home to my little peeps (and big man-child) - while being super tired. Life is beautiful.

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