Saturday, July 30, 2011

Spontaneous! Crazy!

Once Matt got home from work last night we were busting to go for a walk.

I'd spent the day moving large pieces of furniture from one part of the house to another. My muscles were preparing to ache. I scratched the floor in my haste to move everything before Matt got home. Don't tell the landlord. Good news is that we no longer have a wardrobe sitting in our living room. I know you'll be impressed with my rabid doggedness and beefcakey-ness.

And how about the sunshine? We sucked up the very last rays before the darkness moved in for the night. The Doctor enjoyed a twilight scooter, while Tiny was rugged up in the pram. She's sick as a frog and lost her voice. Oh the shame. No screaming. Priceless.

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