Monday, April 30, 2012

G'day Gorgeous

I have a slight obsession with Australia, and I cannot wait to travel there someday. The beaches, the kangaroos, boomerangs, and of course, the fashion. These Aussie girls hit the streets in MAJOR lust worthy outfits for the kick off of Sydney Fashion Week. 
Bellow are some of my favorite looks, from  and Street Smith  (click here to see them all!) 


Lela Jacob's Little Friends

We were recently in at Lela Jacob's new store on Karangahape Road and came across these charming little characters. Known as 'The Murky Greys' these two are part of a family of four creatures handcrafted by Lela Jacobs in ceramics and leather. Two of the clan have already found a home with a loving buyer, the other two can be found at the new store known as The Keep, 504 K Rd. Photo by Greg Novak.

Samsung Galaxy Note: I'm A Tech Head

I was lucky enough to be a recipient of a brand spanking new Samsung Galaxy Note.

Yes, yes, I know. Lucky PMM. Roll your eyes. La-di-dah darling, la-di-dah. Well I'm going to give it a fair review, and if you're in the market for a phone, perhaps this can be part of your homework? Your research, if you will? There's a reason Samsung are trumping Apple

I come from using a BlackBerry (for two years) - and the Samsung Galaxy Note is world's - universes, galaxies ahead of that phone. I hated the BB. With. A. Vengeance. 

This phone? The Samsung Galaxy Note? Man. How I love this phone. And that's completely unbiased. It's supremely user friendly - and I can actually do stuff. Like play on Instagram! Like access my emails readily. Like type without making a bazillion mistakes. 

Over the years, mobile phones have become smaller and smaller. Ridiculously so. My fingers? They have not shrunk, and therefore typing messages has becoming increasingly frustrating - so I just started sending messages with loads of mistakes. And a disclaimer at the bottom that blamed it on the ever shrinking keys. Terrible, I know, phone makers stop making things smaller. 

But the new Galaxy Note? You can either type (on the touch screen) or there's an S-Pen, it can read your handwriting (awesome, I know!) and switch it to typed text. 

When we visited the Royal Easter Show, the Samsung stand hosted three artists who did caricatures on the phone. This gives you an idea of how ace the capabilities are. Because look at my awesome massive nose. And superhero chin. Rad. You can draw. On. My. Phone. Matt is totally into that. As are the kids. And I can write myself notes. Because it's a phone and a tablet. 

You can read about the features here and see all the tech specifications here. But below I've collated my own loves about this bloody awesome phone. 

  • The large screen size. It's supremely user friendly for me - I can read emails, watch video content, look at photos, and also keep the smalls occupied with the  game, YouTube etc. The iPhone is pint-sized compared to this baby.  
  • It's an android. Which doesn't mean it's being beamed up by E.T. - it means it opens up a whole world to you.
  • Samsung has a whole range of apps that are free! And I can use Instagram. And a whole bunch more (I am full of glee about this!)
  • The camera takes some pretty rad photos. Plus I can mess with them afterwards - draw on them, write on them, whatever tickles my fancy
  • If I was meeting someone somewhere a bit tricky, I can take a screenshot of a map, then draw on the map to show them directions, then email it to them. Can't do that on any other phone.
  • I can use the whole Microsoft Office suite on here. So if I am out and about and need to update a spreadsheet for my boss in a hurry? No problem, just pull it up on the screen, update and send it back. A cinch. 
  • Do you know how often I get lost driving around Sydney? Because I rely on ye olde UBD. However the Galaxy Note has Navigon installed. Truly. Divine.
  • Super crisp high definition display - makes viewing so much better on a good screen
  • It's a very impressive phone. The IT boys at work were oohing and ahhhing over it. I let them look at it while they set it up. For 10 minutes. Then I reclaimed it.
  • The battery life - I need to charge it every night - however this could be to do with my excessive consumption of Instagram
  • It doesn't fit into my back jeans pocket - so my butt does not get to vibrate anymore. Shame. 

I was chatting with someone on Twitter the other night - and she also told me that if I had a Samsung television, I could do something jiggy with the phone, and it would be the TV's remote control. Way to freak out the smalls! 
Full Disclosure: Samsung gave me the new Samsung Galaxy Note to review. I was not paid for this review. And I freaking love this phone. It's unnatural how much I love it.

Tonight I Banned Talking About Poo

Living with a six (almost seven) year old and a four year old, I hear a lot of poo talk. 

All. Flipping. Day. Long.

And you know, it can really wear a girl out. 

I am sick of poo talk.

Poo jokes? I am sick of them too.

Tiny thinks anything with a punchline of poo poo is going to elicit giggles. It might from her, but I'm not laughing. 

Tonight they were reading a book together, and every second word was poo. And you know, I just put a blanket ban on poo talk. 

I do not want to discuss poo. With you, or without you. Poo is poo is poo. It's what we do. I do not need to talk about it, thank you.

If you have a poo frenzy on your hands (well not literally I hope), you should get this book. We have the pop-up poo version. It is very funny. Well it was until Tiny tore out all the pop-up bits. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Monday!

Probably the coolest thing you'll ever see all day. And all courtesy of my cousin. Thank you Lis for this rad hook up!

awesome image via Trisha Thompson Adams - 366 Sketchbook: A Daily Art Journal 


I've been having a blast on Instagram, whereby I mess with the filters (not fillers) and can produce almost blemish-free, wrinkle-free skin. It's better than Botox. No needles. No toxins. No muscle paralysis. 

Speaking of which...What do you think of Botox? 

I've not had it. Not going to either. 

I like to think of ageing gracefully - of embracing the wrinkles and lines that are medals of life (and I often think - if I was a caveman, I wouldn't even be alive now - high five frown lines!). 

I had some photos taken last week - where my brow is furrowed - and well, it's probably ripe for sowing some plants in there. It's probably not perty, but it's part of me. 

I think overuse of Botox winds up looking a bit.. Odd. A bit... Freaky. It's a slippery slope, and how do you ever get off the merry-go-round of your three monthly Botox top ups? I genuinely want to know. 

A tell-tale sign, I believe, is those cray cray kick up eyebrows - that's a giveaway. 

So go to town friends, if you're pro-Botox, educate me on the joys. If you're sitting on the fence, perhaps I'll come join you. And if you're not keen on the needle in the face, talk to me too. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

I Don't Know About You...

But I feel KO'ed this afternoon. We had dancing first thing this morning, (well Tiny did, not me) after dropping Matt to work, then we seemed to be in the car for the four hours following. Not much chop.

The smalls are kicking back watching a movie, while I've been pottering about in the garden, and feeling a bit weak and tired - I'm yearning for a cat nap.

Can anyone identify that pesky blue flower in the top picture? It seems to be a weed that's impregnated my front garden with itself, and is now rife with this dirty blue flower thing. Anyone? 

Meanwhile, back on other matters, I've finally joined Instagram. You can find me under PottyMouthMama. Quelle surprise! 

Finally, here's a song to send you on your way. You dig?

How Great Is This? LEGO In Real Life

Did anyone get to see the LEGO in real life in Martin Place last week? How great does it look? I'd love it if it stayed there all the time. It's such a fun pop of colour in the bleak city-scape. And how great walking past that every day to work. 

Come on Clover. Do it! 

For more LEGO activity to celebrate 50 years in Australia, check out Festival of Play

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Why are stripe pants so AMAZING! My cousin and I have had a slight obsession with striped pants for a while now. I find them to be so utterly chic and timeless. Whether they are paired with a cropped top in summer or a chunky knit in fall, these pants work amazingly in my wardrobe, I'm sure you will be seeing them a lot! Stripes are such a neutral and honestly go with everything, I can't wait to mix prints this summer!  

Mother's Day:: Mavi Meow Meow

Oh by crikey I love these leopard print jeans by Mavi! I'm breathless over them. Matt? Are you reading this? Mother's Day is fast upon us, and these jeans have my name ALL OVER THEM. Yes. I changed my name to Mavi. I'm cute like that. MaviMouthMama.

Have you ever seen a more perfect jean genie? I love me some jeans, and baby, I want them, I like them, I gotsta have these super skinnies.

What's on your Mother's Day list mamas?  

The Emancipation of the Garden

I spent ANZAC Day emancipating the garden from almost two years worth of weeds. It felt so good. Again. I can see where I have been - I see results. Tangible results. 

I want this to be a habit! I truly do! 

I conquered those pesky weeds, grew my own pile of offcuts, found a pumpkin vine sprouting from our compost heap; found some cherry tomatoes sprouting too. 

While I was pottering about in the garden, it made me feel connected with my family. My Mum loves gardening, I think my Dad secretly does too, both sets of my grandparents enjoyed spending time out in their gardens. Isn't it such an easy way to feel connected to the Earth - and slow down your day? 

I've now been sharing with the Doctor and Tiny some plans to plant a wee fairy garden at the front, with daisies and some prettiness. 

Because we rent, I've thought - well we rent, why would I want to garden. Then I came to this week and thought, I want to live in a space that is nice, that feels good, that looks pretty. Gardening is a two way street - and it's win:win both ways. You get to feel that satisfied exhaustion, and you can see results and feel good about it. 

Why am I so late to come to this gardening party?! 

Best of all - I found the water meter. I found the flipping water meter peeps! This is license to party like it's 1999.  It is in the middle of the front fence, and is completely obscured by trees. And weeds. Now it is FREE! 

This lady has totally inspired me. Can you imagine anything more dreamy? Nope. Me neither.

image via Daily Dream Decor

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lest We Forget

We spent the morning at the ANZAC day march in the city. I should have taken my sunglasses because I see those men and women - I feel overwhelmed and get very wet eyes. 

We caught the train in and caught the train home with the smell of rosemary with us the whole day. 

Today I thought of my grandfather, Gramps. Of my dad's uncle who died at Gallipoli. And Frank who I sometimes walk with in the mornings, who often tells me about shipping over to Singapore as a 17 year old, and returning two weeks later to find everyone had died. 

Those young boys who fought so bravely - I can't even imagine the horror. 

this is Gramps with my grandmother, Mars. 

I spent the afternoon baking ANZAC biscuits - that I stuck together with caramel (thank you Donna Hay), and then I spent a blissful two hours in the garden. 

Lest we forget. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Therapeutic Monday:: In The Garden

I spent some time in the garden yesterday. Actually a lot of time. With secateurs in hand. 
The reason for this spate of Gardening Australia? I had to find the water meter for the water meter reader man. Do you think I found it? Nope. Despite hacking into everything - and being completely disgusted with the weeds that think it's ok to procreate in my garden. I still have not found the meter. 

However I did find my inner gardener, my inner Peter Cundal. It was sprinkling and cold and yet - I was stalwart and continued hacking into those overgrown bushes (not that bush, manners, please). I must be channeling my mum. And my grandmother. Both keen gardeners. Now there are piles of clippings all over our garden. And nowhere to put them. Novice fail. 

It was good to do physical work - to feel the physical tiredness, and see tangible results. 

In other ground breaking news Tiny went back to preschool today - and I got to spend some time with her and her classmates, decorating picture plates. Boy it was funny, I was chuffed to spend time there, and today was a triumph. Tiny wore jeans. Crumbs. She gave me a cute attack. 

Tonight Tiny told me she wanted to climb onto my back and never hop off, no matter what, she'd just ride up there on my back - and never-ever- everlet me go, then she would yell: "this is paradise". Chris Martin has been brainwashing her. 

Sigur Ros. This is beautiful. A good reason for me to move to Iceland. Good music and crazy knits. 

Tomorrow, on ANZAC day, we're planning to head into the city. I enjoy seeing the diggers, waving, acknowledging them. I'd like to take the smalls to see that, with rosemary pinned on. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012


 I LOVE Chaser LA Tees! They are incredibly soft and comfy! Just picked this new one up, and it was perfect for a warm day paired with vintage Levis and later with a cream blazer for night! Lucky for me, Sweet Life is stocked full of these delectable tees :) Happy Sunday!

Swimwear365 launch with Sam Faiers from TOWIE

A few weeks ago, I was lucky to be invited to the launch of Swimwear365, a new online company that stocks an ever-growing range of fashionable swimwear (sizes 8-28 and cup sizes A-E) and beach accessories. Swimwear365 chose to have their launch event on their very own branded bus, which set off on a 3-stop Press tour around London! 

At each stop, the Swimwear 365 bus welcomed eager press and fashion journos on board to view the swimwear collections and have a chat to their bubbly, blonde celebrity ambassador...The Only Way is Essex's Sam Faiers!

Being a fan of beach holidays and soaking up the sun in a bikini, Sam Faiers is an ideal choice of ambassador for the brand. In fact, on the Press day, Sam had only just got back from a holiday in Dubai and was looking very tanned and smiley!

I got on the Swimwear365 bus at Great Malborough Street and was welcomed by a topless male model serving drinks and tasty Swimwear365 cupcakes! 

With my trusty camera in one hand and a drink in the other, I ascended the steps inside the bus up to the top deck, where there were rails of multi-coloured swimwear to discover. I could feel myself beginning to mentally pack a holiday suitcase...!

There was a great variety of brands on show, including French Connection, Jette, Lascana, S. Oliver, Playful Promises, Buffalo, Marie Claire, KangaROOS and more, meaning that there was something for many different tastes. I noticed distinct trends that threaded the brands into cohesive collections for Spring/Summer 2012...


Florals are a huge trend this S/S12, from girly and feminine ditsy florals to bold and colourful tropical flower digital prints...

(Ditsy florals - Marie Claire, Playful Promises, S. Oliver..)


Take inspiration from the French Riviera and channel classic nautical chic with stripes, marine motifs and colour combinations of white, navy blue and red...

(Ahoy sailor! Nautical swimwear including the glamorous Lascana marine blue bandeau bikini - I love the contrasting white buttons!)

(Go dotty for this retro red 50s style Lascana polka dot swimsuit - the ruching along the torso is ideal for flattering your curves!)


This Spring/Summer is all about making a statement, so a kaleidoscope of bright colours and bold prints are key. Try colour-blocking, mix and match, colour clashes and unusual prints...or just wear an unusual single-coloured piece...

(This raspberry-purple Lascana gathered swimsuit is perfect for injecting some pool-side glamour) 

(This digital print Playful Promises white hummingbird bandeau bikini is very eye-catching with its vivid colour palette and pretty bird print)

(A unique take on snake print - the Lascana purple print triangle bikini)


Aztec and tribal prints are big news this S/S12, with a focus on bold contrasting ikat prints, geometric and ethnic-inspired patterns, often complimented by beads and other embellishments... 

(The Playful Promises black gathered tribal bandeau bikini was one of my favourite pieces and I love the multi-coloured bead-style embroidery!)

(The Jette aztec print triangle bikini is really eye-catching with its tie-dye colour palette and stylish hoop rings)

(This S. Oliver aztec print underwired bikini is a quirky take on the Aztec trend. It really packs a punch with its vibrant colour scheme of zesty limes, yellows and pinks and blue and purple neons.)

I was able to have a little chat with Sam about the Swimwear365 collections and her excitement to be the face of the brand was clear. She loved the selection of different styles and cited the Jette white sparkling triangle bikini as one of her favourite pieces as it would look "amazing with a tan"! The gold studs definitely give this bikini a TOWIE glam finish!

Take a look at the video below to find out more about the Swimwear365 launch. (Can you spot me?)

View the full swimwear collections at

Kitty xo