Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let's Discuss Plagiarism: Or How My Content Wound Up On Your Website

these images are called - wow - how did my content fall onto your website?!

So I blogged about the Logies.

I did. I always blog about awards nights. Because I love it. 

And today, for some reason I was googling the Logies - because clearly I didn't get enough - and lo and behold, I found extracts of my content sitting on a large news publication website. Behind a paywall.

Let's just get this straight. My content. Used as more than just inspiration, and right there - with 'staff reporter' attached to it. 

Apparently I am now a staff reporter - or a contributor at least, because they did at least change things around a little. I said tissues, they said Kleenex. 

I felt more than a bit miffed. I felt upset. Mad. Ferocious. Wild as a wild cat. Grumpier than the Gruffalo. And just plain pissed off. 

A friend told me I should take it as a compliment. I did. For two seconds. And then I just thought what kind of a lazy creep - who gets paid (I don't), steals stuff. They must be terribly uncreative. 

Who does that? 

I think you'd be surprised - it seems to be happening more and more. I've read about bloggers whole posts being cut and pasted and claimed as someone else's quite often. 

My story about MY miscarriage was clearly the inspiration for a large website - and replicated in a weekly print publication. Though someone at least put a byline on that. Not my byline, but heck, it's an improve.. no it's not. 

But the internet is becoming increasingly a small world. You took my words and you didn't think I'd notice? Well I did. And I'm watching. 

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