Thursday, June 30, 2011

So What Can I Tell You About This Week?

Oh man. Phew-eeee!

It's been a heck of a week. I've been body-slammed at work with lots on and I'm pooped. So I'm grasping at straws as to what to share.

- One more sleep 'til our habit forming starts, but ladies - can we start on July 2? Saturday? That is much better for me, but if you're busting to bust out your new habits, start tomorrow, I can dig it.

- It's rainy in Sydney. I love this shot of The Beatles. It reminds me of my Dad who introduced me to them - well their music, when I was around 9 or so. I loved lying on my tummy, next to the record player, listening to them, reading their lyrics. I think I was completely obsessed with the Sgt. Pepper's record cover and used to stare at it for what seemed like hours.

- Seeker Lover Keeper have released their debut album is out. You should get it. It's amazeballs.

- Bon Iver's new album is out. It's beautiful. You should get that too.

- I've eaten way too much cake.

- Matt and I are going on a date tomorrow night. Quelle romantique.

Anything to report? I'm listening.

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