Sunday, June 5, 2011

Top Tip:: Storing Your Little Artworks

My children are prolific artists. We have a wall dedicated to their artwork, which is now spreading to other walls. I rarely ever toss anything out. If I do, I have an acute guilt attack.

Tiny loves to go to bed with a notebook and pen(cil) and draw until she falls asleep. I am not so mad on that. I am not big on the drawing on the bed linen.

Tiny also loves drawing so much, that she's now working with mixed media. This involves textas, biro, yoghurt and our couch. Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin - watch out.

The Doctor came home with this cute collage recently, which has gone straight to the 'gallery' wall. But I'm also about rotating artwork - and I've got a tip for you if you're the same.

I visited the Post Office and bought a few of the postage cylinders, got my kids artwork together and rolled them up. Then I labelled them with their names and the date (I do say Jan-June 2011) and file them away.

Or you could photograph or scan each of the artworks, then you have a digital file of them, and either print them out, and make an album - or have them made into a book of artworks.

But if you are not as nutty as me, you can always embrace recycling.

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