Sunday, August 7, 2011

Caught In The Rain

Weekends. Ah weekends. How I love you!

Yesterday we went to the beach, hung out on the sand, enjoyed some time just the three of us. Bliss.

Today we went to see my MIL for her birthday. Then came home. Did a frenzied "tidy" of the house - and when I say "tidy" the term is very, very loose - but you can now see we have floor. We went walking in the afternoon - a brave move, the Doctor on his bike, everyone else walking. And of course, on our return trip, it bucketed down. Thunder cracked. Sheet lightning. The works. Tiny cried. I carried Tiny under the umbrella, like a koala. The Doctor kept riding his bike. Matt was soaked. We all were soaked. But it was fun. And funny.

And this weekend we kicked off a new family tradition. I've been feeling out of the loop on family life for a while now. Struggling to get involved. Exhausted by my four days of work, sad that I'm missing out, desperate to still be in touch with my smalls.

So I picked up my copy of Amanda Soule's 'The Creative Family'. I'm no Soulemama, but when I need some inspiration - who am I gonna call? And it ain't the Ghostbusters.

Our new family tradition is one that was picked up with gusto and the Doctor has already asked to do it every single night. Halleluljah! We sat and did family drawing for 45 minutes. So. Much. Fun. I can't wait to reprise this as often as possible.


These peeps should email me (lexipmm (at) gmail (dot) com) ASAP to receive their tickets to the Powerhouse Discovery Centre. Hope to see you there!

- Sarah at The Super Whites

- Sarah at ChoccyBangles

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