Sunday, August 7, 2011

Help Me Help You

So in a couple of weeks I'm doing a little talk at a conference. It's about PR. And PR agencies/consultants and the world of blogging and bloggers.

Secretly I am hoping no one turns up, because every time I think about it, I feel really, really queasy.

Nevertheless, I am doing a little research beforehand. Whether you read blogs, blog, or are new to blogs, I'd value your feedback. But I'm not doing some hardcore survey, because:

a) I just don't have the time


b) neither do you

Let me cut to the chase. I'd love it if you had a spare five minutes, if you can tell me:

- If PR agencies contact you: what works? what doesn't?

- What do you love?

- What do you loathe?

- How many companies contact you per week?

- Do you ever get any really random requests?

- And does anyone ever nail it - like really hit the nail on the head, and get you and your blog, and how to work with you?

- As a reader: what works for you? And what are you sick of?

Or if you're more comfortable emailing me, that's ace: lexipmm (at) gmail (dot) com

I'd appreciate any insights you can share with me - and if you comment on here, please don't name any agencies or companies.

Help me out peeps!

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