Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Frocktober: Day 4

I signed up with Toni of Little Suitcase for Frocktober.

Frocking up for the month of October, I thought heck yeah, no sweat. Raise some much needed money and awareness for ovarian cancer - hellz yeah.

And then the reality set in.

31 days of nothing but frocks.

I freaked out about the frocks.

Frocks. Frocks. Frocks. And for the record, it was frocking cold. Frocks + cold + me = frocking disaster. But I've stuck it out - I'm 4 days in and dedicated.

If you can spare a little cash to help me raise money for ovarian cancer - I'd be ever so grateful. See over there -----------------> and down a little, there's a button. If you can spare $2, $5, whatever, please click on it. We've all got ovaries - let's fight this fight!

I'm on holidays and it's been ok, but when I am back at work, I dare say old chaps, I'm going to have to step it up a bit. And then some. I'll post photos to prove it.

image via Fotopedia

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