Thursday, October 20, 2011

How To Be A Morning Person

I am not a morning person. I never bound out of bed in the morning, joyful to see the sunshine.



I am the kind of person that hits snooze 89 times before my senses come to realise that I have 0.567 seconds to get ready for work or the school run, and that I better get my ass into gear and get out of bed. I love bed. I love sleeping. Oh do I love sleeping.

But I really want to be that person that gets up early, that goes into the day full of excitement. I don't want to be the slippery little slug that takes 1/2 an hour to rouse from my slumber.

I want to be the person that can go - BOOM! I am up, I am into the day. I am embracing the day. I am sledging everything that needs to be done. I am a morning person.

Tell me dear readers, how does one become a morning person? Or are they born morning people? Shed some light on this subject.

Is sleep for the weak? I know I'd like to sleep for the week.

Are you a former non-morning person turned morning person? What's your secret? Spill!

image by Mary Blair - it's her 100th birthday. Do you think she was a morning person?

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