Monday, October 31, 2011

Final Frocktober Fun Fest: Day 30 + 31

Top - Day 30 - My MIL's frock, I call 'Carnivale'. I love this frock. It's a riot of colour.

Bottom - Day 31 - Vintage frock found on the weekend, my Mum's belt. I did have heels on but they killed me. Children are my own. And clearly not into pulling Halloween faces. This is shortly after we trick or treated at a neighbours house, he didn't have any lollies, so he gave the kids money. I told the kids to give the money back, they wouldn't, so I took the money back. Then Tiny cried because - well it turns out she'd brought some of her own pocket money in her bag (unbeknownst to me), and I'd just handed it all over to the neighbour. All I can say is he better buy something pink with that hard earned cash of Tiny's since he didn't 'fess up when I was on his doorstep.

If you still want to sponsor me, you can. Not that I'm pressuring you, but it's for a good cause. Protect our ovaries!

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