Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharing:: 5 Blogging Tips

I'm no pro. And unless you're Heather Armstrong, you're not a pro either. But since I began blogging over three years ago, and since I (occasionally) get asked for tips on blogging, I am happy to share. But folks - remember, I'm not swallowing swords, I'm not Charlie Teo operating on brains, I'm not dancing on a stage. I'm blogging. And it's not rocket science.

So here are my 5 tips to help your blog along:

1. Make your blog a reflection of you. Put your blinkers on baby, and don't try to be something you're not. And don't get blind-sided by what anyone else is doing. This is your space. It's not the Olympics.

2. Visit. Pay your neighbours a visit, and share a cup of sugar with them. Share the love. Water their bloggy garden. Get on Twitter. Talk. Connect with other people. Don't get obsessed with your blog. Spread the seeds. Watch 'em grow. If you visit other people's bloggy gardens, they might pop over and visit yours.

3. Don't make it your whole life. Big mistake. If you become fixated on watching those numbers, those visitors or those comments, you're going to be mighty disappointed. While blogging takes work, it shouldn't become your whole life. Because if it does, you're not going to have anything to blog about. But learn how to edit. Heavily.

4. Don't think you're going to give up your day job. Life must go on, and unless you're a ridiculously talented, uber blogger and you strike it lucky, then you're probably going to make about $11 and a few washing powder samples in the first two years. If that's your aim. But don't make it your aim. I blog because I love writing. Because I love connecting. Because I love sharing. Blogging has helped me make some remarkable friends. And I get to write about things I love. Because I am my own editor. But you've got more chance making a bombfunk by winning Tatts Lotto. Blogging is for certs, not about making mula.

5. Give credit where credit is due. If you see something on someone's blog - and you want to blog about it. Blog about it. But give credit. It's not cool ripping copy, ideas or concepts from someone else. Tap your own ideas and shout out when you've been inspired by someone else.

And just remember my mantra: I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert.

Thank You

Do you send thank you notes? I do. I love sending thank you notes. I love receiving thank you notes.

Thank you to each and everyone of you who read and comment on my blog. I am so grateful.
Thanks to everyone who has voted for me in the Kidspot Top 50 Bloggers.
Thanks to my beautiful friend for designing me such a rad new header.
Thank you to my beautiful Mum for spending two weeks with us to help with the smalls while I work and Matt does his prac teaching.
Thanks to my generous Dad for loaning her to us.

An old friend told me once that friend's are reflections of yourselves, and that's a nice way to think of friends.

Since having kids I think some friends have dropped off, but I've picked up some inspiring, wonderful friends along the way. Thank you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Power To Tha' Inspiration Boards

I have a little inspiration board that I update infrequently. I put cute cards, photos, concert tickets. Whatevs I like, I put up there. Some of my favourite postcards have come from this lady and this lady. Some photos of Matt and I in the early days. Oh and just for good measure there's a photo of me at my 22nd birthday party. Which is now - - - - - eeep - - - - ten years old.

Whatevs. What's inspiring you?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Sordid Tale

This is a sordid tale. One of woe and yore, and all other old-fashioned sounding words that one does not bother with these days. But one should, shouldn't one?

And that is what leads me to this dastardly tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. It will leave you with your nails chewed down to the quick. You'll be sitting on the edge of your caboose, spellbound. Gobsmacked.

I have a ribbon drawer. Yes. It is true, dear reader. I do have a ribbon drawer. In which I store... ribbon.

I put the ribbon in the drawer nice and tidy-like, just like any side-saddle horseriding woman would do.

And yet, when I come back out the next day, the ribbon is in a state of dissarray.

It's a true story. Not a long story. It's a perilous story. Not a scary story. But it's a story of truth, and gore, and I just know, you'll be sitting there right now with a dropped jaw, wondering just who unravelled all that ribbon?

PS - please vote for me in the Kidspot Top Fiddy Bloggers. I'll love you long time.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Adventures With Tiny

Matt's doing his prac teaching and is almost a fully-grown teacher.

So while he's been prac teaching, I took some time off to look after my babies. Like I said, I miss being home with them. I miss doing the normal stuff.

I loved adventuring with Tiny after taking the Doctor to school. We looked at flowers, walked down secret laneways, patted black cats, and wore crowns. Upside down. And then broke them. Oops.

I love spending time with that blue eyed creature who loves dressing herself, in layers, and layers, and just a few more layers for good measure.

Class OR Crass?

Kim Kardashian. I've not much clue what you do, except that you have curves, you romp on the beach a lot, you've got sisters - I don't know how many, and now you've got a 20.5 carat diamond ring worth $2 million.

That's a heck of a lot of coal sitting on your hand, sister.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wah! Wah! The Non-Newborns

I've just had a few days of annual leave. I've relished being back at home. Picking the kids up. Spending more time with the kids. I miss being at home with them. Today I went back to work. It hurt. I missed them like a crazy lady.

Tonight when I finally got home after sitting in the car for what felt like forever, I wrapped them up like newborns.

I love those little kittens.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Black #14 Cover: Derek Kettela shoots Ashley Smith in Louis Vuitton

Sitting at McCollams (our printers) with the whir of machines in the background. A good time to put up our new cover. Photography by Derek Kettela, fashion editor Michelle Cameron, make-up by Valery Gherman at Defacto.inc using MAC Cosmetics, hair by Shin Arima at Frankreps.com, model: Ashley Smith at Trump NY. Ashley wears: knit dress by Louis Vuitton, belt by Ralph Lauren, scarf by Meeshina.

Post-Party Malaise

You know that anti-climax after all the anticipation. Sunday afternoon and BOOM! I was lying horizontal on the couch, feeling a bit blue that it was all over. Relieved, but a bit sad that it was done and dusted.

The only thing to bolster everyone's spirits is the amount of party food still kicking around here. I may have to secretly dispose of it.

Here are some snaps from the day.

Matt drew the donkey for 'Pin the tail on the donkey'.

The Doctor either feeling sick. Or peeved after 'Pass the Parcel'. Can't figure out which. But cute nonetheless.

My bro-in-law with my cute-to-boot niece walking back to Party Central.

My sister has more shots including 'The Cake'. Will share once I have them in my hot little hands.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Encouraging Children

The Doctor started Kindergarten this year. He likes it, but I'd never go so far to say he loves it. Lately he's been sick, and I'm not stretching the truth when I say we've visited the (medical) doctor five or six times in as many weeks. The Doctor has been sick for this long, missed out on long stretches of school, and in the last three school days, gone to sick bay and I've picked him up by 11:30am, three times.

And before anyone goes gangbusters - the reason I sent him to school is: when he wakes up, he's fine, so I think - great, time for school, and then he goes on that wave of feeling ill again. It's a tricky business deciphering true illness, and the lack of want to go to school.

Last night at dinner the Doctor told us that some kids were laughing at him.

This isn't the first time something's happened that made him feel sad at school. Earlier in the year two year six boys teased him, told him to "get lost" and kicked him. It was quickly nipped in the bud when we raised it with his teacher.

But last night's reluctant conversation about some other Kindy kids laughing. It took me ages to get it out of him, and it's a difficult road to navigate, I don't want to make too much of a big deal about it, but I want to learn the truth so I can help him out of it.

Finally he told me that they laughed at him, called him "Babykins" and so on, and on more than one occasion.

To you and me, this may be nothing much. Maybe a small thing, but remember when you were 5 or 6 and these things stung. And humiliated. I remember being in Kindy and while we were painting our Santa faces, I painted my nails red with the paint. My teacher came over, ripped my Santa up, threw it in the bin and said: "Did I ask you to paint your nails?" - 26 years later I still remember that and can still conjure those awful feelings. I remember going home silently, and my mum asking me what was wrong. I burst into the front door - and promptly burst into tears.

My little man is a sensitive soul. How to bolster that confidence when it comes to these situations? How to empower? How to make him realise - that it's not him - it's them with the problem - whatever that is?

A while ago I won a copy of Ruby Who (by Hailey Bartholomew) from the beautiful Jody at Che & Fidel. As well as being a short film about not wishing for things you don't have, it's also about revelling in who you truly are. It is truly a delightful film that engages the smalls and has a great message.

How do you help your kids assert themselves?

image via I Like To Be Me

my future home will look like this

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lonely Hearts S/S 2011 - Alone

The new Lonely Hearts Spring/Summer 2011 look book arrived this morning and we're digging it. Shot very nicely indeed by ex-pat Kiwi Rene Vaile in Sydney, styled by one of Sydney's best Tamila Purvis, the look book stars Anja Konstantinova @ Priscillas, make-up by the fab Nicole Thompson @ M.A.C Cosmetics and great hair by Timothy Stone. The Lonelys are gaining serious traction in both New Zealand and Australia and this collection will only add to that impetus.

LEGO Ninjago: Go! Go! Go!

As we all know, the Doctor digs on LEGO like there's no tomorrow. What topped the Doctor's birthday list this year? LEGO Ninjago. He's a man obsessed. He's been madly building and planning what he's saving up for. You can never have enough LEGO (unless of course it's embedded in the bottom of your foot).

But now I have some good news for you dear reader. As tried and tested by the Doctor - I have one Nintendo DS console and one LEGO Ninjago game to giveaway to one lucky winner. The Doctor can vouch that this is a very good game.

Are you feeling lucky punk?

All you have to do to enter is answer this question in 25 words or less:

If I was a Ninja, my Ninja name would be:

Terms & Conditions:

Open to Australian readers only

Only one entry per person

Entries close Monday 30th May, 2011 at 11:59pm.

All entries must be 25 words or less.

On Bended Knee

Tiny proposed to me today. She said: "Mama, will you marry me?"

I turned around, there she was, gumboots and all, on bended knee.

She's so romantic.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Help Me Win a New Ford Territory For A Year and $5000

Drive. I've given this word much thought over this weekend. Drive. Tossed it around in my head, it echoed a little and then it plummeted down to where I played with it for a while. I kept going back to it.

You see, this weekend was the weekend when we were celebrating the Doctor's 6th birthday with a little party with some of his new Kindy pals.

He wanted a birthday party. I wanted to give him a party. I love the idea of 'making memories', and this weekend, I've made memories. In my freaking muscles from standing up for 12 hours straight baking. I love baking. But not for 12 hours. By myself. While looking after two smalls.

The tension crept up ever so slowly. I started the morning pretty pleased with myself. I made cookie dough. Wrapped it. Refrigerated it. Moved on to the next gig. Cupcakes. Made them. Baked them. Moved on. Birthday cake. Made the first of three. And on it goes. We rushed out to the shops to grab some bits and pieces, came back, and the tension had crept up a little higher, until it finally rested in my shoulders. Aching.

I took stock of myself on more than one occasion. What was driving me to be so batty about this birthday party? Millions of women have successfully held birthday parties. And then it hit me. It hit me just like the sifter did this morning, as it fell out of the pantry. Straight in the back of my head as I was bending down to pick something up. BOOM!

I was worried about what the other mums would think of me. The driving force behind me being more Nigella, was what would the other mums think when they drop their wee darlings off, and I feed them with all manner of sugary goodness.

The telltale sign was the guilt of the packet cake mix. I for one hate packet mixes. But the Women's Weekly told me it was 3 x Buttercake packet mixes, and this time, I was loathe to stuff up my son's birthday cake (unlike his first birthday cake - but that's another story). I dutifully baked the packet mixes. In the back of my head - besides the egg where the sifter whacked me - is someone going to eat this cake and think - my goodness, THIS WOMAN USED PACKET MIX? Outrageous.

And then it got me to thinking about these cakes. These birthday cakes that are like show dogs. Look what my mama made for me! But then again, I remember the cakes that were made lovingly for me, they act as landmarks in my life - and I like to look back and remember those heady days.

The Doctor weighed in on my prowess early in the day with: "Your leaves look good Mum, but not as good as the ones in the book." Yowsers.

I had to slap myself out of it. No one else was around to do it (although I'm sure Tiny would jump at the chance to slap me). I kept thinking of the Doctor instead of the mums. I kept trying to think of 12 eager little children, and how excited they would be! That their drive is completely different to ours. How that innocence is so pure, and trusting, and proud as punch.

Maybe you'd say I reversed out of competing in the Mummy Olympics, and accelerated into trying to create some magical memories. Driven into the happiness, the chaos, the angst, the excitement of parenting. That's what drive is. I have the drive to make memories for my small fry, but sometimes I feel like I don't have enough petrol in the tank.

I can't even remember what I ate at birthday parties when I was small. It was all about that giddy excitement. Seeing your friends, playing games, balloons, and being picked up too early (it's always too early to leave a good party), and driving home with butterflies in your tummy, replaying all the action.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preview: Black issue #14

Photo: Paul Empson  Fashion editor: June Nakamoto
Make-up: Tatyana Makarova Hair: Franco Argento
Model: Michaela Kocianova at Elite Paris
Michaela wears:  Moschino Cheap & Chic, Dior, YSL, La Bagagerie, Karry'o
Phew! That was a deadline and a half! Mag at the printers so here are a few preview images from Black issue #14 to whet your appetite. It's our biggest issue ever and of course our 5th birthday issue. Time to crack open a nice bottle of Shiraz

Photo: Christopher Morris Fashion editor:David Bonney
Make-up Nicole Thompson  Hair: Gavin Anesbury
Model: Krystal Glynn at The Agency
Krystal: Wears Zambesi
Photo: Darren McDonald  Fashion editor: Paul Bui
Grooming: Luana Corsica

Model: Lewis at Priscillas
Lewis wears: Ksubi & Jeremy Scott for Adidas
hoto: Robert Erdmann  Fashion editor: David ThomasP
Hair: Eric Gabriel  Grooming: Gerrat Gervai
Model: Andrew Hussey @ Next LA
Andrew wears: Yohji Yamamoto & vintage hat
Photo: Greg Novak  Make-up Amber D
Hair Jason Chong-Li
Model: Phoebe @ Clyne
Photo: Russ Flatt  Fashion editors: Rachael Churchward & Adam Bryce
Hair: Greg Murrell  Make-up: Natalie Dent
Model: David at 62 Models
David wears: Zambesi & Stolen Girlfriends Club
Photo: Adam Custins  Fashion editor: Rachael Churchward
Hair & make-up: Natalie Dent
Model: Ngahuia at 62 Models
Ngahuia wears: Kiri Nathan, Therese Rawsthorne and Jason Nathan

Now We Are Six

This time six years ago I was in pre labour. I walked over a kilometre to the supermarket to buy lemons to make Labouraid. I dropped into the DVD store to hire Sex and the City. I stood next to the rows of DVDs in a contraction and rode out that wave. I walked over a kilometre home, stopping intermittently as the intensity increased. I imagined that small babies head knock-knock-knocking on my cervix. I am the Queen of visualisation, thank you Marie Burrows.

I got home. I squeezed those lemons. I made the Labouraid. I spilt it all over the kitchen floor. Later it would explode over the floor of my sister's car on the ride to the birthing centre. Sorry about that, Choc.

I ate spaghetti bolognaise. I went to bed. I vomited up spaghetti bolognaise. I woke up later. I went into a darkened room. Matt turned the light on. I turned the light off. Matt turned the light on. I turned the light off. I laboured at home. The intensity turned up a notch or two. Matt turned on the light. I turned off the light and screeched "YOU BETTER START ANTICIPATING MY NEEDS!"

Matt called the midwife. The midwife told us to wait. I knew I couldn't wait any longer. Mother's instincts. My sister arrived. We three drove like the clappers at 5am down the highway, to the birthing centre, behind a garbage truck, in half light, into the tunnel, we drove. Every bump I felt as I continued riding those contractions.

We arrived and I tore off my clothes. It was all I could do. I got into that delicious bath. I laboured. We waited. Matt went to sleep. Matt woke up. I got too relaxed and my contractions stopped. I had to get out of the bath. I pushed. Two hours of pushing. I got tired. I screamed "COME ON!" like Lleyton Hewitt. And then I held that wee baby, I held that warm, beautiful, loved baby against my chest. That warmth.

I'd do it all again in a heartbeat for my beautiful soon-to-be six year old. My delightful, talkative, bright six year old.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Witchery White Shirt Day

Supporting the work and research of the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF), selected Witchery stores are launching 2011 White Shirt Campaign - today!

As part of the campaign a specially crafted capsule collection is available in Witchery stores across Australia and New Zealand and online. Not only women's - but men's too! Plus the OCRF Silver Gift Collection is pretty covetable and cool.
Click here to check out the collection online.

Ever since I can remember, Witchery has done a great job raising funds and awareness for this worthy cause.

And if I have a chance to wear Pania Rose's shirt AND help a great cause (and squint your eyes really tight and I might look a little like her), then I'm totes there.

100% of the gross proceeds go directly to OCRF.

You can also support the cause through their
Facebook page

VIP: Very Important Post.

I'm running a very important survey over on Facebook. Which Wiggle would you snuggle with?

Come on. You have to have a favourite. Will you take the survey?

SHOCKING NEWS: 91.7% of survey respondents said they would like to snuggle up with The Blue Wiggle; a piddly 8.3% of women said they'd prefer to snuggle up with Leo Sayer.

'Paolita' invites you to an exclusive swimwear event!

   As Summer approaches, swimwear heads to the top of our 'must-have' list and when you're on the beach, it's important to look and feel your best. If you're in search of that extra bit of luxury for that Summer get-away, then 'Paolita' may just be the brand for you! Anna Paola is the figure behind the brand and has worked with high-profile designers, such as Hussein Chalayan and the iconic Alexander McQueen! 'Paolita' is a great up-and-coming swimwear brand that exudes individuality, with its exotic prints and high-fashion edge.

   In honour of Paolita's 1st birthday, the brand is throwing a fabulous beach party with a pop-up shop. The event takes place on Thursday 19th May between 10am and 9pm at British Designers @ FC Boutique in central London. The best thing, is that you are all invited! You will be able to experience first hand the current Spring/Summer collection for 2011 and guests will receive 10% off their purchases with an invite.. so just print off the invitation below to claim your discount!
For more information about 'Paolita' and their collection, check out their website and online shop at: http://www.paolita.co.uk/

Kitty xo