Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank You

Do you send thank you notes? I do. I love sending thank you notes. I love receiving thank you notes.

Thank you to each and everyone of you who read and comment on my blog. I am so grateful.
Thanks to everyone who has voted for me in the Kidspot Top 50 Bloggers.
Thanks to my beautiful friend for designing me such a rad new header.
Thank you to my beautiful Mum for spending two weeks with us to help with the smalls while I work and Matt does his prac teaching.
Thanks to my generous Dad for loaning her to us.

An old friend told me once that friend's are reflections of yourselves, and that's a nice way to think of friends.

Since having kids I think some friends have dropped off, but I've picked up some inspiring, wonderful friends along the way. Thank you.

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