Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Gots To Love This Hair

Michelle Williams regularly appears on my blog because I love her. I love her for her talent. I love the films she chooses. I love her style. I just gosh darn love the girl. And I really love her hair. Like my love for her hair knows no bounds. I really, really love Michelle Williams and her head of hair.

Once upon a time I had short hair like this. But I got mistaken for Adriana Xenides.

Well this hair on Michelle Williams, be still my beating waif heart.

Speaking of hair, you know how I love trying new beauty products. Well with the humidity that's been bewitching my hair and making me look like I've been rubbing a balloon on my head for two hours straight (I know you know that look), I've been trying Clinicare Frizz Defying Serum-Concentrate for a few weeks. I think it's the best one I've tried - and has tamed those crazy fly-aways. If you get the frizzies like me, and haven't yet braved the chop-chop like Michelle, get it. It's a collab with Pantene and Wella (and who doesn't want to be a Wella woman?) and so far, so good my friends. Balloon-hair be gone!

image from SMH 

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