Thursday, November 3, 2011

When Life Hands You Lemons

I'm not even going to pretend.

The last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster. And I really want to get off it, pronto.

My Mum is sick. And I'm worried.
Work is stressful. And I'm not coping.
I miss spending time with my smalls.
Some a$$hole broke my rearvision mirror - and 5 others in our street
The kids fetes are on - stress. Baking. Donating. It's never ending.
And Matt's show opens this weekend.
Right this minute, I've drunk half a bottle of wine (yep, way to control stress) and I'm dancing to this.

How are you holding up? For realz, I want to know.
And so what I was going to say is: when life hands you lemons, make a peach and raspberry tart to sell at the preschool fete. Ok? (Trust me, it's easy)

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