Friday, November 18, 2011

This Is Where I Confess... I Don't Love Brogues

While everyone on the interwebz is flitting about in a pair of cool  brogues, I've stood fast. I don't love them. Any hipster worth their weight in shoelaces is wearing them. But not me, I will not succumb. Not that I'm a hipster.

And I think I'm the only one that doesn't own a pair.

Dear Universe, what's wrong with me? Why don't I love brogues?

Well. There are a couple of reasons:

a) my foot is so big, it would look like I was wearing my husband's work shoes
b) I just think I look dorky in them

Instead I embrace a pair of heels, or sandals, or my Chucks, or anything other than brogues.

I do not love brogues.

Brogues. They look good on other people. But not me.

There now, I've said it. Phew.

(however I could get with these brogues, they have a heel! I could love them. Alas, they will not fit. But if you, Cinderella, will fit these shoes, check them out here at Karen Walker's Playpark)

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