Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zis Is Ze Zinc

This is a sponsored post.
So. This is (not) me on the beach. I've got one Elle of a body. Right? Yes. Image via here

Way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, in my former life, I worked in beauty PR. I learnt so much about how our skin ages, about the three main factors of ageing:

- genetics
- hydration
- sun – lack of protection

You can’t do anything about a bad pair of genes, but you can do something about smoking (yuck, don’t do it) and sun – cover up buttercup.

My skin is naturally fair, so I’m not mad keen to be out in the full sun. I always wear a hat, I try to be in the shade, and I don’t go out in the middle of the day if I can help it.
I’ve always had good intentions of being one of those women who religiously use an SPF under my make-up everyday.. And yet? I never do. Why? Because I feel like a grease monkey or the sunscreen makes my face go white and I look like Pierrot.

This week I’ve been road testing two Invisible Zinc products and I’m going to be using them throughout Summer.

When I was asked to try a zinc product, well… I shuddered. I imagined life covered in a greasy film, with yellow and green zinc smeared across my face.

Thankfully, this is not the case. Because how the heck would I explain that to my workmates? I’m a massive Shane Warne fan?

In fact, no one even knew I was doing anything differently.

Invisible Zinc ESP Moisturiser with SPF 30+ UVA - UVB is pretty darn good. I used it under my normal foundation, and it worked well as a base, while offering anti-ageing benefits. I have sensitive skin too, and this was amazeballs. It felt light, it went on smoothly, and all day my make-up stayed in place. No one suspected a thing.

I also tried out the Invisible Zinc UV Silk Shield Foundation SPF 30+. I’ve got to say, I’m a girl obsessed. I love a two-in-one product, particularly as I am rushing about in the morning getting the smalls ready, and trying to get myself ready for school work. This is a really fab product that acts as a foundation and evens out your complexion. Plus it’s cream to powder, so it has a really beautiful texture that lasts the whole day.

I mentioned to the gals at work I was trying it, and they were impressed. It doesn’t look like your usual tinted sunscreen. This is LUXE!

What also sells me on this product? It contains no chemical sunfilters. No parabens (big tick). And it smells nice (this is a prerequisite for me, call me old-fashioned).

You want to try too? You can! Enter my super fantastic giveaway and you can try Invisible Zinc for yourself. Yes! Fo’ shizzle! This is what you can win:

1x Environmental Skin Protector SPF 30+
1x UV Silk Shield Foundation SPF 30+
1x Tinted Daywear SPF 30+
1x Junior Clip-On SPF 30+
1x Foundation

How to enter? Answer this simple question in 25 words or less:

How will Invisible Zinc benefit your Summer?

Click here for terms & conditions.

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