Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fashion Friday: Double Denim Delights

Sometimes at work we have 'themes'. Well I come up with a theme and then insist that everyone complies. Yesterday afternoon after tossing and turning between 'get flirty with skirty' - or 'double denim' we decided that denim was the way to go.

Here I am, in my husband's chambray shirt, dark denim jeans - who could ever deny the delight that comes from double denim?!

I walk into work, round the corner to my desk, and lo and behold no one else is wearing double denim. They went for a single shot of denim. I'm double-shot, piccolo-mocha-frappuccino whole-heartedly embraced it.

Well hmph!

I feel just like Alex P. Keaton today.

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