Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guilty. As Charged.

Firstly, I want you to read this. Then come back over here and rejoin me. OK? Yes. Very good. 

With a very heavy heart, I must say, I do do some of those things. 

I hate that I do those things. I am mortified that I do those things. It's terrible I do those things. 

So today I am starting a new life. A fresh new page of my life. And I've sort of sampled this life previously - I've got a taste for it. I've voluntarily left technology turned off. Let my phone run out of batteries. And it feels SO good to not be switched on and available to the world all the time. 

It feels so refreshing to not be a slave to the ping of my phone.
To turn off - and not feel this creeping sense of - sheesh, I can not be in this moment. 
And it's good for my family. 
It's good for my family to have sacred time with me. Sacred family time. 

Do you do that? Or do you suffer FOMO? Because if you suffer FOMO, then just wean yourself off. Because really, all you're missing out on is finding out what someone's having for lunch, what they just bought (yawn), or how fabulous they are. 

And while you're at it, check out this thoughtful post from one of my favourite bloggers, Checks and Spots

image via this Etsy shop - phone is available for sale. And you can totes interact with your kids with this phone.

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