Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wrinkles Are Better Than Plastic Surgery

Halleluljah! Monica Bellucci is preaching to the converted over here at Chez PottyMouthMama.

What was it I was banging on about, how almost refreshing it is to see women ageing gracefully a la Dame Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett et al.

I don't want to look at an inflated face that can't express. Not only is it immensely difficult to read facial expressions, but it looks like a fembot meets Stepford Wife.

Emote. Emote. Emote.

I've also been thinking about the message botox sends to our small people. That we value youth. And at any cost, we'll try to cling onto those last moments of youth, by injecting our face with a toxin. That ageing isn't valued in our society.

I'm out on a limb here. Botox for cosmetic use is age-ist. It says: I'm afraid of getting old. I don't want anyone to see me as old.

Ageing can be confronting. And it does sneak up on you. But you're never going to stop it. So you might have a puffy volumised face, but the rest of your body heads south all the same. Sorry, it didn't get the memo.

Read more here.

image via here

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