Monday, July 2, 2012

Fashion Friday (Delayed Broadcast):: Pirates

Arrrgh - I'm sorry seadogs. I've been eating oranges and sauerkraut by the bucket full. Otherwise I've been brushing up on my sea shanties, doing jigs and getting my sea legs.

Hopefully my Fashion Friday friends have not mutinied. Otherwise I'll have to make them walk the plank.

Yer see my pretties, X marks the spot - but because my name is LeXi - that be the treasure you be loking for. ARRRRGH.

Jacket: vintage
Scarf: a gift
Jeans: Country Road
Boots: Costume National
Bustier: on loan from my friend Clare
Hat: straight from the dress up box
Parrot is optional.

Fashion Friday is on holiday this week. FF will resume next week.

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