Saturday, July 7, 2012

Take This Waltz:: Date Night

My Mum and Dad are looking after the smalls for the weekend - Matt and I drove back together on Friday, and I must say, life feels very empty without the little peeps.

So last night we went to the movies. Old school date night. We're fancy and crazy like that. I wore Matt's jumper and my Chucks. Hardly dressed up, but goodness, it was so nice to hang together and not have to worry about our littles.

Anyone who follows PottyMouthMama on Facebook knows that I love Michelle Williams. I never ever watched Dawson's Creek, so I only know her from Heath Ledger love and a great selection of indie films.

'Take This Waltz' is a beautiful demonstration of Michelle Williams.

I felt like I was part of the movie. It's beautiful and raw, sad yet very funny, and it will make your heart ache.

Plus there is the deliciously talented eye candy of Luke Kirby. Say hello to Luke Kirby. His sparkly eyes are tres magnifique (this photo doesn't do justice to the magnificence that is Luke Kirby).
But back to the movie. So, so good. I want to see it again. Visually it's a pleasure. And ever since walking out Matt and I have been talking about it. It was that, that good.

Have you seen any good movies lately?  Next on my hit list is Hysteria.

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