Sunday, April 24, 2011

A (Really) Long Weekend

Five days at home seems so luxurious.

I've been back working for eight months now, so this time with my little family feels like stolen time. Ultra good for the soul. Perfect for recharding the old batts.

We've hung out together, I've sort of tidied, I've baked (and misread the recipe and inadvertently doubled the butter in the brownie recipe FAILWHALE), we've gone walking, we've played frisbee, we've egg hunted, we've tidied bedrooms, we've chatted, we've cuddled, we've stayed up really late, we've caught up with DVDs, we've curled up on the couch. We've had such a beautiful time.

And we've still got two days up our sleeves. Aye carumba. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

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