Thursday, April 14, 2011

Date Night:: It's Love

My littlies have gone for the week up to visit my Mum and Dad. They were BUSTING to go. They love spending time with my Mum and Dad. And I cried.

I welcome the chance for date night, but the house is unusually quiet, and life feels awfully empty without my smalls.

We've called. We've Skyped. I've missed them. I've even kind of missed Tiny's midnight visits.

Nevertheless, Matt and I have enjoyed hanging out together. Date night. Dinner at Fratelli Fresh, meandering the streets afterwards. Window shopping after the shops are all closed. Chatting. Hanging out in book shops. Curling up on the couch watching a movie uninterrupted. An impromptu dinner in the city together.

Tomorrow the little peeps come home and I'm so excited to be spending all weekend with them. I can't flipping wait.

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