Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Allow Me Some Self-Indulgence

Actually, every day blogging is self-indulgent, right? I get to write about stuff I like, I see, I do, when I want.

But let me embark on this totally self-indulgent post. You can click away, it's easy enough to do, plenty of other blogs to see and read.

Today I hit the my personal style jackpot, in my book, because it was one of those rare days that everything I wore just worked. I mean there's no formula to pulling looks together. Well I'm not Trinny & Susannah, but I do love fashion. Not brands. Just fashion. And having fun with it.

Some days I plan what I wear, other days I'm in a hurry and just pull things out of the wardrobe and hope it looks ok. Other days I put on an outfit, and two minutes before I leave for work, I have to change. It's a hair flick. Tell me I'm not the only one?

Today was a triumph. Not only did I hit it (in my book - you might not think the same - maybe you hate wearing picnic basket gingham?), but I was warm too. Bonus.

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