Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter: What Do You Do?

We spent our Good Friday, gardening, hanging out together, and best of all, playing frisbee.

The smalls both declared they hated fish. They wouldn't eat dinner.

I'm watching Glee and a bit bored. I think I'll put 'Once' on and enjoy Glen Hansard instead.

I'm thinking of starting a new little project. One that can lay unfinished for a couple of years.

Tomorrow my eyebrows are being restored to their groomed good selves.

I wear my PJ top as daywear. No one needs to know.

I can't wait to hunt for eggs on Sunday.

This is not me. I'm not a man. But I do have similar socks.

What are you doing this weekend?

Big thanks to Molks for rescuing me tonight!

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