Thursday, April 7, 2011

Confessions Of A 31 Year Old

My hair inadvertently got cut like this when my sister encouraged me to get my haircut in Balmain, when I was visiting on school holidays. I was 15. I came out smelling like talcum powder and with a haircut crossed between this and the Beatles circa '66. My art teacher literally shuddered with laughter.

I have something to tell you. A secret. A low down dirty secret. A confession if you will.

I used to love Celine Dion when I was about 12. This was prior to the Kepper and Malcolm X t-shirt, African beaded necklace lovin'. I really loved her. I had her CDs. I thought she was amazing.

But now I think this website is even more amazing. I think you might think it's amazing. In fact, if you know what's good for you, you'll pull that face, get your hair cut like the first picture, and click straight over.

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