Friday, January 27, 2012

Naked? In Front Of Your Kids? *GASP*

A couple of years ago I heard of a couple who never got naked in front of their kids. This isn't an urban legend. The children had never seen their dad naked, and according to the parents - they weren't ever going to either.

I was a little shocked  because - well nudity is a feature in our house. We're not nude all of the time, but we're not not nude all of the time.

But what I found most shocking was the organisation that this would entail.

I re-enacted it in my head. I would have to take all my clothes to the bathroom when I showered. I would have to close doors. I don't usually close doors. But above all, I wouldn't be able to stand at my wardrobe, in a definite state of undress, deciding what to wear for the day. This startled me. I usually walk around the house in the morning in various states of dress before finally getting my stuff together and getting it on. I thought about how small our house (smaller than a shoebox) and how difficult life would be if they never saw me naked.

I think it's good to be nude in front of my kids!

And this is part of the naked upside down breastfeeder talk. People, generally men, didn't like the idea that she was nude! And she was breastfeeding.

But for me, being nude is good. It's a positive! Being nude shows children real bodies. Bumps, lumps, hips and dips. Everything. I have thought about all those perfect images of women and men being presented perfectly in the media - airbrushed, over-styled, and after sitting in a make-up chair for a couple of hours. 

While my body isn't perfect it is pretty awesome. It's grown babies. It's birthed babies. It's fed babies. It can run up and down stairs. It does so much cool stuff. And my brain drives it. Pretty rad when you think about it.

image of Chilli Peppers via

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