Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well. That Was Ugly.

Well last night took a very different turn, and I can say with every inch of truth in my bones, I innocently posted that image - and overnight it caused a freaking riot on my Facebook page.

Let's recap:

- someone threatened to report me to the AFP for posting an image of a woman breastfeeding

- I got told I was a hippy feminist AND that I am a paedophile

- apparently my friends have low intelleck (sic)

- I was told I was a coward and a communist

- I got told I was Hitler

-  And I am the one who got a very firm rap over the knuckles from FB for posting the shot of the woman breastfeeding

Did I threaten anyone? Harass anyone? Bully anyone? No. I just stuck a photo that I loved on Facebook and the troll patrol came out in force.

Well screw them.
I stand my ground. Breastfeeding is natural and awesome and beautiful and brilliant - if you can do it.
Breasts. Made for Milk.
PS - image by Picasso - of a woman *gasp* breastfeeding

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