Monday, March 26, 2012

Fashion Film: Garth Badger 'She Says' with Kingsize Studios

She Says from Garth Badger on Vimeo.

We worked with the talented and prolific Garth Badger last week on the Kevin.Murphy campaign. Garth was the D.O.P shooting footage for an upcoming KM 'app' - more on that in the next few days - and was able to use his amazing Canon EOS C300 with Zeiss CP2 Prime lenses. To say he is in love with this brilliant new tool by the digital photography behemoth is an understatement, and with good reason, the days of the 1D or 5D as premier digital moving image cameras are already numbered. Here is Garth's first project with the camera, a partnership with the venerable Kingsize Studios featuring models Widika and Ariel at Red 11, styling by Barry Betham and make-up by Verity Griffiths. Music by Boycrush.

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