Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Will You Still Respect Me In The Morning?

Every morning, I wake up, stretch, blink my eyelids, and check my emails. I know this routine by rote. It's a bit sad, I do admit, but a lot can go on on the interwebz overnight. I love the interwebz. 

But lately - that 'lot' is a hellofalotta spam. 

I changed the settings on my blog so any anonymous commenters (the nice ones, not the nasty ones) could comment. And that decision has certainly bitten me on the bum. 

Did you know that I am a multi-millionaire in a number of different currencies? That I can access celebrity porn at the click of a mouse? My goodness. PottyMouthMama is a veritable Pandora's box. 

If you are anonymous and wish the channels of conversation to remain open, then state your case, otherwise I must close the floodgates, I am sick of vetting the spam-in-ator. 

So now that I am loaded with my rupees, rand, Euros and US dollars, I probably won't be posting here as often. I'll probably be cruising on yachts watching celebrity porn and chewing on cialis just for kicks.  

You'll just have to make do with this new single from Gossling. It's a pretty darn good consolation, right? Yes. You're damn straight it is. 

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