Thursday, March 15, 2012

Indeed. It Is Friday.

I have a sister. Anna. She is funny and colourful and super creative. She can just *BOOM!* make stuff - and when she and my other sister, Sarah, get together, they do stuff - and it's awesome. And then combine that with my Mum, and *DOUBLE BOOM* the three of them make stuff. And wow. It's pretty cool.

I missed out on that creative gene. I think it was passed down by my grandmother, Mars. She was a woman who could knit, crochet and embroider like her eyes were telecopes. Seriously. The best birthday presents were always made by Mars and Gramps and were highly coveted. I still have the doll house, and all the jumpers, and all the dolls that were made by them, made with so much LOVE!

Mars even made a Princess Diana doll. So cool. I will find it and document it because, well the woman was bloody amazing.

I didn't get passed down too many visual creative genes. I got wordy genes from my other grandmother Nonny. Well I think that anyway.

Anyway. This is a long-winded way to say, here's your Friday song, gifted to me by my sister Anna (who likes Lana del Rey - but I won't hold that against her). I'm paying it forward .

With no further adieu, I introduce Alex Winston. Anyone by the name of Alex is alright in my books. AHEM!


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