Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Having Consumed My Body Weight In Chocolate


It's the flip side of Christmas!

Did you have a good time? Was it chaos or calm?

Ours was fabulous. A very cruisy morning - with the smalls discovering what Santa brought them, and then opening a few presents at home. I do believe by about 9am the Doctor had declared that it was his "best ever Christmas". We then made our way to my sister's home where my parents are staying. So good. So, so good.

We hung out together, ate a beautiful breakfast, then bid everyone adieu and went over to Matt's mum's home. It was a lovely laidback lunch, and really, the whole day was pretty easy - for which I am so grateful.

And Boxing Day, we all shuffled off to Kazbah in Balmain. My goodness, if you've not been there, go! Your tastebuds will thank you.

How about you? How was your Christmas?

And can someone take these chocolates away from me?

As an aside, I am jeans shopping. Could be particularly bad timing given I've eaten my own body weight in chocolate.. Yowsers.

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