Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's the pointy end of the year and it's really starting to hurt.

I ran around all weekend, and on my day off, I think I spent more time in the car than anywhere else. And I've still got shopping to do.

My body even aches!

But onwards I go - and so do you friends, because that's what we do.

Tiny celebrates her fourth birthday on Friday and I can barely believe it's been four years since that little mermaid swam into the world. Probably time for another baby. Matt. Hear that??

The Doctor had his school presentation tonight, and received a citizenship award. Of course I got teary. I was already teary when the Kindy + Year One choir sand 'True Colours'. The Doctor's award tipped me over the edge. Proud.

Did I tell you I shrunk in the wash? Yep. And I dyed my hair red. Hawt or what?

I don't really have much else to report on.

Oh - and yet I do. We got our Christmas tree on the weekend. I spent Saturday afternoon decorating it, a bit baffled the smalls weren't interested in helping, but I kept on humming away with the dazzle and sparkle. That night, after it was looking perfect, the damn thing fell over. Yes. You can only imagine my glee. So I went and bought a proper Christmas tree holder thing. This is an investment my friends, but worth it. The tree is - VERTICAL! Be amazed. Be astounded.

Have you decorated?

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