Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why Being A Jerk At Work Is Not Cool.

Are you a jerk at work?
Are you a turd burger that doesn't let people merge in traffic?
Do you push in in front of people in lines?

If so, I implore you to stop it right now.

No one likes a jerk. No one says, wow, I really look up to that jerk. No. No one.
I read an article in Sunday Life a few weeks ago about whether jerks get ahead at work.
My outtake from that - no. They get what they want, but they don't garner respect, no one wants to work with an a$$hole. I know I don't, and I have managed to work with quite a few since beginning my working career. And is the stress of being an ass really worth  it?

Take letting people in in lines of traffic. I think it's more stressful to be an ass and not let people merge, than it is to spread some cheer and welcome someone into the traffic - because being a car length in front of someone is not doing anyone any good. It's not getting you to your destination that much faster, is it? So wave people ahead. Do it. Think of it as your Christmas gift to the punters.

And pushing in in front of people in lines. So. Not. Cool. I stood patiently in line on Monday, and not one but TWO elderly women edged me out of the way so they could take my turn. Seriously? I wasn't about to push them over, but really ladies? I was waiting there patiently, and I let them go - whatevs, but next time you come out in the Christmas peak of shopping, get in line. Unless of course I usher you in front of me, then by all means.

The crux of my argument - no one likes a jerk, and being a jerk is not fun for anyone, including the jerk. So stop being a jerk.

image via here

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