Monday, December 19, 2011

So I'll Just Document Everything

The last week has been a bit of a whirlwind, and I've got no big news. Nothing besides, Tiny turning four - which is big news to me, because she's still my baby.

But the Doctor finished Kindergarten on Friday, and that was such a bittersweet day. Proud of him - but overwhelmed. Seriously - where did that year go to, and can I get a refund? I hugged his beautiful teacher goodbye, and felt more than a pang of sadness as I did so. She has been a gentle, nurturing soul, who has led him into his first year of formal education. And so it is, Kindergarten is already over.

Today we had Tiny's Christmas concert - and again, bittersweet. Man that girl slays me. As soon as we locked eyes, she waved, so enthusiastically to me, her enthusiasm broke my little heart into a bazillion pieces. And then she sang her little heart out. Then got bored. Then put her feet up on the seat - and in my head I was saying "No Tiny, put your legs back down, no, no.." Too late. She sat there - albeit for a brief moment - flashing her knickers. One of the Mum's turned and looked at me, with that look - she knew exactly what I was thinking. Thankfully Tiny had her own epiphany and put her legs back down and fixed her skirt. For a moment I had contemplated running up the front to fix her skirt.

After some deliberating earlier this year, we've enrolled Tiny into a community preschool that's closer to home and to the Doctor's school. It was a hard decision, but I am so excited by this change, though sad to leave our KU, I have such a great feeling about the new preschool, already feel part of the community - which is a big deal for me, since I work, and I didn't feel that so much at the current place. A change is as good as a holiday, right? 

Today the Doctor told me he either wants to be a DJ or a spy when he grows up.

Tiny got all the birds hanging on our Christmas tree, and first made a nest out of dropped pine needles. Then reassembled them on the tree together.

I have started wrapping our Christmas presents. But I ran out of wrapping paper. This poses a problem when wrapping presents.

And lastly, I had my eyebrows done, and since they are so dark, I thought I looked a bit Frida Kahlo-ish. So I stuck some flowers on my head and went with it.

How are you holding up? Are you all shopped out? Is it a wrap? Will you be eating for the rest of the month?

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