Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Own Private Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

About a month or so ago, Ford kindly lent me their brand new Ford Focus Titanium.

Did you know, I've never owned my own car? When Matt and I met, he had a car, and as we fell more and more madly and deeply in love, it became apparent that his car was a gift with purchase. I got the benefits of a car together with a new boyfriend. Win: Win.

Since returning to working in an office, we tend to borrow my MIL's car during the week, so that I can drive, instead of spend 1.5 hours x 2 travelling 24kms. It's a blessing that we are able to borrow her car, but you know Santa, I can't help but feel life would be so much simpler if we had a second car.

When Ford contacted me and asked if I'd like to drive their new car for a week - I very promptly responded that I'd be a fool to turn this opportunity down.

Santa, I'd be pretty chuffed if you popped the zippy new Ford Focus down my chimney. Though we don't have a chimney, so I'm happy for it to be just parked in our driveway. 

Santa, this car is the shiz.

You see, it parks itself, which is an additional gift when you're trying to slip into tiny spaces in say - Surry Hills or Paddington - and you can say: "Look ma, no hands" quite literally as it reverses into that spot.

It has voice recognition. Heated seats (which when I was driving, I put on so Matt felt like he'd wet his pants all of a sudden - naughty Lexi!), a sun roof, which Tiny sampled (above) and a roomy boot. Just look at that boot full of groceries. What a sweet ride! OH! Not to mention the fact that it has a keyless ignition. So you walk up to the car with your keys in your handbag, it senses you're in the vicinity et voila - it opens the doors. And you hop in, you can start your engine. No more rummaging through your handbag - which is BRILLIANT when you have smalls in a busy carpark. Straight in, no stuffing around.

I even boasted to Matt that, for the first time in my life, while driving this car, I felt sporty. Me? Feeling sporty? Holy cow.

I zipped around in that car all week long. Manufacturing reasons why I needed to drive it. Truly. I loved that car so much. I'm still pining for it Santa. In fact, I whizzed and whizzed around in that car, and even after a full week of whizzing, I still had a quarter of a tank of petrol. That baby corners like it's on rails.

Excuse me Santa, but does your sleigh offer that kind of fuel economy? Didn't think so. 

So Santa, what I'm thinking about is the Ford Focus for Christmas. Red Candy.  


FYI: this is not a sponsored post. Ford lent me the car. I drove it. I loved it. I wrote about it. I'm still pining about it. Santa, bring back my sporty wheels! 

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