Saturday, December 31, 2011

Old Year's Resolution

I don't do New Year's resolutions. It sets me up for failure, and I'm not signing up for that.

So today I went and exercised my little hiney off. Well. I did go for a really big walk, that turned into an intermittent walk, that ousted the crankies, and the filthies, and made me come home with a sore hip but a brighter attitude.

Exercise is really good, huh?!

I have been struggling to find a place to walk around here. I don't really enjoy walking in our neighbourhood. But tonight I found an oval in our neighbourhood. I thought, yes, I will do 5 laps of this oval, and I wound up doing 10.

I got a headstart on resolutions and I like it.

Sayonara 2011. I hope 2012 is bountiful of blessings, brightness and bold new moves.

Happy New Year my beautiful friends. x

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