Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hooked. On Exercise.

I know. You read it right. I am completely hooked on exercise. I have rarely ever been so excited to get out there, but there you have it.

I am so hooked on exercise that I've started waking up before my alarm goes off.

I am so hooked on exercise that it's started infiltrating my dreams.

I dreamt my sister had exercise gear on sale (neither of my sisters are sportswear retailers?!) - and that besides flicking through a rack full of size 10s (RATS!) - I found a pair of exercise tights that were made from the most magnificent fish scale looking fabric. Rainbow fish scale looking fabric.They reminded me of the Rainbow Fish book (pictured). Immediately I grabbed them. And started inventing excuses to exercise just so I could wear them. (They were kind of like these, but more purple. And they could breathe).

My usual exercise gear entails a pair of black Target leggings and one of Matt's tees.

But these fish-scale tights. My oh my.

I woke up totally enthralled and told Matt we just had to go looking for them.

Of course we never found them.

But if you spy some fish-scale tights, please do let me know. Apparently they are the magic key to me continuing on my love affair with breaking out a sweat.

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