Sunday, June 3, 2012

Giddy On The High: Etsy Success

Well that was the weekend that was folks. I'd been looking forward to Etsy Success for many weeks, and now #BOOM it's over.

I had such a blast meeting so many creative people, 300 of them, all buzzing in the one room. It was electric. It was such a coup to be part of it - one which I am grateful for. I got to meet so many excellent people - and on the flip side, endured the hangover from hell.

Someone really should have stopped me.

Hangovers are not my friend (are they anyone's?), and given I am a lightweight in the booze department, I feel they are totally unwarranted. I barely have a slurp of champagne before I've got to start tossing back the Nurofen.

But back to Etsy Success. The success of Etsy Success is really down to the people. I've said it before - Etsy has enabled so many creatives to come together and create a global community and business, that they would otherwise not have. Sure you can have a blog, and create community from that, or a Facebook page, but Etsy truly is the meeting place, the marketplace for creative geniuses to come together and share. And sell.

As a buyer, Etsy is like falling down Alice's rabbit hole. I can click through for hours finding more and more gold, right from the comfort of my couch.

In the coming week I'll be posting some more info on DIY PR. I promise I won't mention the goldfish again.

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