Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Fell Off

Remember when I was really into walking? How I was getting my exercise on and walking with my elderly friends?

I am loathe to declare - I fell off the bandwagon.

After the chair fell onto my foot - just before Easter, I ebbed away from walking. I think I turned into some sort of man - refused to go the doctor, hellz no. I knew it was useless - if you break a bone in your foot, well there's not a lot you can do. I know this because I have broken two toes before and just had to suffer in my jocks. So I hobbled through it, and have only just regained full bending rights of my big toe.
I know. This stuff is what blog posts are made of. Dreamy material Lexi.

But it poses a problem for me. My foot is still not 100% right. And I haven't been walking since.

When I was walking I felt so good. I could feel myself getting fitter, I could feel my body feeling tighter. It was such a great feeling - and it gave me more energy.

I was in this great habit of getting up early - before everyone in the family, I snuck out under the cover of half-darkness, and walked.

Now? I struggle to get out of bed. To drag my sorry ass out of bed and go walking. I fell off the horse - and now I don't know how to get back on.

Hints? Thoughts? Prodding? All are welcome.

And the Fat Boy Slim clip? Yes. Not sure. It made me think of power walkers for some reason..?!

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