Monday, June 25, 2012

The Big News

Hold your horses. I have big, BIG news.

Not only did we recently purchase a new fridge - but today I bought a new washing machine. I know. Hold the presses. I have gone whitegoods mad.

But that's not the big news.


You know how I have been decluttering? Well. I have. My Mum, my awesome, awesome Mum came down for the weekend to help me - and I've been listing stuff on eBay.

As a result, I listed my Olivetti typewriter (remember that post), and sold it last night.

Stop what you're doing. The drinks are on me. It went for $5.50.

I know. Right? Totes loaded.

It is for this reason I will be doing a sponsored post. Gotz to pay my bills ladies. I hate bills. Even worse, I hate not being able to pay bills. I knew you'd understand. MWAH!

image of flying fish from I'm Just a Bee

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